The unfortunate Gingerbread Mason Jar

Recently I had discovered a really creative recipe on how to make a Gingerbread Mason Jar, and it is absolutely the cutest thing! You can read about it here and basically they should look like this -

They look so fantastic that I had thought that I must give them a go. I had collected the cans, prepared the ingredients and what have you but mine looked so unfortunate that we could do nothing but have a good laugh, and of course the dog had new treats the following couple of days. 


I had figured a few things out, the dough has to be absolutely thin, because mine looked more like a fort. Also I realise that the dough has to be shorter than the height of the can! You can see that the top of my jar is blooming quite like a flower. 

Lastly, the bottom of the can has to be just even a tad smaller, it didn't git quite right - an understatement of course, but it was all good fun!

Karen ChuComment