340 kg of rice to date!

About 2 weeks ago, we had sent 240 kg of rice to Food for Good. FFG advocates a reduction of food waste in our daily lives, and also feeds about 3000 daily (mostly elderly) through their community kitchens located in some of the poorest neighbourhoods in Hong Kong.

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On that note, we were asked - why white rice? This wasn’t a random decision -

  1. Rice is a part of every meal for the majority of elderly people in HK. When we provide rice, it frees up their funds for fresh but perishable foods like vegetables or fish. 

  2. Rice can be stored for a loooooooong time - great for our charity partners if the rice needs to be stored when there is a surplus. 

  3. Contrary to common belief, it is the least donated food on our charity partners’ wishlist!

So a big thank you to everyone who’s purchased a brownie or 100 cupcakes from us! Together we’ve sent 4857 bowls of steamy hot rice to our elderly friends in Hong Kong.

Karen Churice, CSR, elderlyComment