Let's go at this head-on again!

I haven’t written in a long time, and I noticed that the last that I had written, it was about my dad.

Time has passed by really quickly since his passing. I’ve been on multiple self-discovery journeys since and while they were frankly rather exhausting, because self-reflection takes time, bravery, honesty and and admission that wow - I have, indeed many, many flaws!

While I don’t mean to say that I was busy abusing myself with criticism, the discovery and admission of one’s shortcomings have brought me very far in my self-discovery ride, and I can’t be happier.

I can’t be happier because this awareness now allows me to face my fears head-on, with a new found energy and enthusiasm that I didn’t quite know before this.

Here are some names / podcasts that have helped me -

Dr. James Hollis

Carl Jung

Dr. Wendy Suzuki

Chris Williamson

Cal Newport

And I hope that they will help you as much as they have propelled me!