We're almost at 200kg!

What have you been up to lately? We’ve been all over town sending out our holiday cookies and so far everyone who received them expressed their delight when they met with their new pet!

Baby panda

I’m really glad that everybody’s having fun with them, and more importantly we’re just a few more jars of cookies away from raising 200kg of rice this Christmas! If you’re reading this, you might just want to purchase 1 or 10! to help us reach our goal.

Animals all set to go!

We’re thankful for everyone who’s purchased a jar of our cookies and as much as I’m already exhausted and it’s only the 8th of Dec, it’s all good - for “Let all that you do be done in love.” - 1 Corinthians 16:14

God bless you, I wish you a good weekend.

Karen ChuComment