Resolve Foundation 2024 Fellowship - Summer Social with Eldpathy

I think that you may know by now that The Good Cake has an ambition to include the elderly in our team and just this time 2 weeks ago my eyes were opened to an experience that I only fain imagine, but have been allowed to comprehend just a tad more.

Eldpathy is a truly meaningful social enterprise, one that aims to nurture the public’s empathy and understanding towards the mental and physical needs of the elderly through simulation workshops. You can check them out here -

We were treated to very real bodily deterioration simulations of an elderly person at several stations at our Summer Social - one with limited arm movement, another at which we wore goggles that greatly diminished our sight (honestly I couldn’t complete my reading test at all at this station!); and one at which our backs were bound to our knees (to simulate challenges that come with bent backs), together with sandbags on our ankles. 

Some say that age is a cruel thing, which it is, thinking back on my grandpa, watching him grow old, telling me about his knee pains, his decreased appetite and other challenges with his eyesight, his hearing. I now know a little more, a little better. 

But I also got meet with Eldpathy’s senior interns. They are active, fun-loving, motivated and a pure joy to talk to. They have given me a boost of confidence in my vision for The Good Kitchen - a team and a community that integrates young and old, where aging with dignity is possible, providing financial independence and inclusion for everyone, where we delight not just our customers but in each other’s company, where we if not face the cruelties of old age together, perhaps be allowed to lighten the burdens just a little.

The Good Cake Karen at Summer Social, Resolve Foundation